Full Refund Available Before Shipment of Goods

Whether it’s a pre-order item or a cosplay costume, you can request a full refund by contacting us via email before we ship your order. However, please note that the refund amount for a single order cannot exceed $500, and PayPal transaction fees will be deducted.

Pre-order Reverse 1999 Merchandise

For pre-order of R1999 Merchandise, we would like to inform you that once we receive the pre-payment, we proceed with the purchase and wait for the Reverse 1999 Merch to be restocked. You have the option to request a refund at any time before we ship the item.

Return Procedure

To initiate a return, please email us at support@r1999.shop.
Please provide your order number, details of the item being returned and the reason for the return.
Our customer support team will guide you through the return process and provide you with further instructions.

Applicable Conditions for Return and Refund

Damaged or Defective Products: If you receive an item that is damaged or defective, we will gladly accept returns and offer a refund or replacement depending on your preference.
Incorrect Item: If the item you received is different from what you ordered, we will accept the return and provide a refund or send you the correct item.

If you have any further questions or require assistance regarding our return and refund policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help and ensure your satisfaction with your purchase.

Thank you for choosing R1999.shop as your destination for Reverse 1999 game merchandise. We appreciate your support andlook forward to serving you again in the future.